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Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Apr 2009 6:21:14 AM Title: Chapter 1

FINALY TI'S OVER. LOL  i loved the storie it had it's ups and downs i felf sorry for kagome when all her kids moved out bu t hopeful she can have more and be happy. Keep on writing! even thoe this storie is done i hope you release others in the future. i had fun with this one great job

Author's Response:

Oh, I'm definitely going to keep writing! Don't you worry. The story I'm working on right now is an AU story. If you wanna check it out it's called The Victim and the Hanyou Detective. Everyone says it's my best story so I highly recommend it! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed this story! Thank you for your reviews! :)

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2009 10:33:42 PM Title: Chapter 1

shooot dang por inuyasha i hope he gets his memories back in fact i am almost positive you will give them back because the storie would kinda die with out them.

Ps: thanks for agreeing to read my storie. It's called Hell's Curse

Author's Response: Yeah, the story kinda would die with him not getting his memories back wouldn't it? And your welcome. When I get a chance to read your story (hopefully today or tomorrow) I'll leave you reviews! :)

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Apr 2009 10:58:08 AM Title: Chapter 1

thanks for all the help i guess my computer was having some problems with the internet because it kept shutting down but i fixed if so it worked. here's a breif summary of the main idea of the story.

Sesshomaru has a hard time balancing his anaoyance with his little brother inuyasha. toss in a Fiary TWIN sister and a curse in college and his life is about to her a whole lot harder can he handel it? His twin's name is natomie.

Natomie is a party girl in college studying how to run buisnesses but what will happen when her father askes her to take over the buisness instead of her twin sesshomaru? can she turn him down? toss in the fact that she is curssed with the responsibility of being the god and gardian of hell what will she do? can her friends and family still excep her? will she ever find love? read the story and find out.


Author's Response:

Sounds good! I'll definitely check it out when I have a chance! :)

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Apr 2009 7:25:37 PM Title: Chapter 1

ooooh i hope inuyasha can talk some sence into her and please tell me the next chapter goes through it all i don't think any of us can stand to read the next chapter and not find out the answere to the question will she come back. do you think you can do me a vavor and help me with some thing?

im working on a story  but i've added a few characters and people like kagome sango and miroku are demons. two people that i have added are shumaru a young fox demon with a quiet nature and black hair. and natomie the twin of sesshomaru. she has a bit of a different apperence she has inuyasha's ears and a long silver tail. she takes after the inuyasha in your story she is warm but has a short temper and can become even colder than sesshomaru when crossed. she is a party girl and loves her brothers. her conflect is she is trying to be her self but her father wants her to take over the family business because she is a little faster and stronger than her brothers. the setting is college but with a few twists do you think you could review it and tell me what you think of the story so far?

Ps: how do i post it? every time i try it gives me some stuff about it going into a closed series? can you help?

Author's Response: I think the next chapter (if memory serves correct) is of Inuyasha trying to help Ayako. As for your story I would love to review it, but you have to tell me the title. Now the way you post is you go to account info and then go to add story. Once you go there you have to fill out all the information. The rule is you can only put six characters or less in the summary. That doesn't mean you have to use so few characters in your story. Just choose the characters that are mostly in the story to put in the summary. Then you have to chose if it's a romance story or action or whatever. You have to fill out EVERYTHING on the page. Then copy and paste the chapter into the story text section. You can add some authors notes and ending notes if you want. But everything else needs to be filled out. Then press add story and it should go through! :) Hope this helps!

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 5:00:08 AM Title: Chapter 1

i agree with other people's reviews because akayo should watch her toung. but i also wonder what will happen when she sees the rape for her self. great job 10+ how often do you post?

Author's Response: I agree too. She should definitely have more respect. I post everyday. So look for new chapters daily! :)

Reviewer: Koga4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Apr 2009 10:24:29 AM Title: Chapter 1

Yes. Okay!!! .........How?

Author's Response:

You can make yourself known by writing some Koga stories! :) Try it! I bet you'll get more readers than you think!

Reviewer: Angel415 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2009 10:35:08 PM Title: Chapter 1

I hope you will continue to post the other chapters! :) Its a really really good story! :)

Author's Response: Oh I will I promise!! :) You have nothing to worry about on that front! :)

Reviewer: Koga4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2009 11:31:30 PM Title: Chapter 1

Kehehe! This has some of the best Fluffy stories on it! (I'm kinda scared though, most people on here are Sessh lovers and being the only Koga lover I've found...I'm afraid I'm gonna get mauled or something...>.<)

Author's Response:

LOL Don't feel bad! Be true to yourself! Don't hide in the shadows! Make yourself known girl! :)

Reviewer: Koga4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2009 8:20:37 PM Title: Chapter 1

Lolz! I found you!

Author's Response: LOL!! I see you!! What are you doing here? I didn't know you had an account here! :) LOL

Reviewer: InuYashaReader Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Mar 2009 9:03:50 PM Title: Chapter 1

As always, InuYasha is very protective! :) Have you not noticed when someone gives Kagome and InuYasha a kid, it's almost always a girl? Not that its a bad thing! I was thinking about it too, giving InuYasha and Kagome a kid, and guess what, it was going to be a girl! You probably the only one I see that gave them a son. Well it starts out well, can't wait to read more!  -InuYashaReader  :)

Author's Response: I almost always give them girls too, but sometimes I throw a boy in there. And yeah I've noticed they always have girls. I don't know why everyone gives them girls. I just personally always envision them with daughters. Inuyasha will always be his protective self lol. And you should definitely give Inuyasha and Kagome a child! I always think Inuyasha would make a great father and Kagome an awesome mother. :) You should definitely give them a daughter! Make it look like Inuyasha! :) Teehee!

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Mar 2009 6:22:48 PM Title: Chapter 1

lol yasha as a dad oof a teen oh how i would love to see something about his dad rolling around laughing great story

Author's Response: LOL :) Glad you're enjoying it! I think Inuyasha would make a great father, but the teen years are hard on all parents. Poor Inuyasha...

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