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Reviewer: MajorOtaku Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Jul 2013 2:37:36 AM Title: InuYasha party!(?)

Lol Sesshy burped >.<

Reviewer: MajorOtaku Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Jul 2013 2:25:42 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

OMG, every chapter I was rofl. I just loved this so much!

Reviewer: Inukag1194 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2013 4:11:27 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Does inuyasha secretly like his ears being played with also does bankostu have a thing for jakotsu?

Reviewer: HikariLove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2011 5:54:26 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

best story ever girl

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks! I hope you read my newest story, New Neighbor.

XOXO, Tsubasa

Reviewer: HikariLove Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2011 8:50:10 PM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Cant wait to see more of her she did scare sessy in ur youtube video so that is always a plus i never thought anyboy could scare sessy like u guys do. Please keep it up it is funny as all get out.


Reviewer: HikariLove Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2011 3:00:11 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Omg I totally love ur interviews they r so the bomb an iyamiko is the shiznits. So cant wait for the next 1.

Author's Response: Aww.. I love my adorng fans! I added a new character, Kamara. She is the happy medium, and almost as horrid as Iyamiko! Bona apitite!

Reviewer: InuYasha-Guy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 Nov 2011 3:57:50 PM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

lol, slightly scared for InuYasha.... Iyamiko, try not to kill him please? Good chapter.

Reviewer: ScarlettMidnight1o Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Nov 2011 2:08:06 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Great Chapter lol, though I do tend to like Kagome over Kikyo... just saying. And I red your cross over on your account and It's awesome. I have one too, check it out if you want

Reviewer: InuYasha-Guy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Nov 2011 3:46:44 PM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Hahaha! no it's awesome. We would have reviewed anyway. Recognition to who deserves it ;)

Author's Response:

tsubasa- I deserve it

iyamiko- uhh, we've been over this, I deserve it! I am the main comedian!

tsu- you forget who comes up with the questions1

iyam- you forget who makes you porkchops!

Reviewer: lust1203 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Nov 2011 10:23:01 PM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Ha this this is hilarious! Good job :D

Author's Response: Aww... my adoring fans, TAKE THAT IYAMIKO!

Reviewer: ScarlettMidnight1o Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Nov 2011 3:57:52 PM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

Hey! I luv both of you! And InuYasha.... lol. And no prob, I love the story. :) It was work even threat.... to InuYasha-Guy ;)

Author's Response: I feel sorta guilty making you guys write a review *gets on knees* Gomen Nasai!

Reviewer: InuYasha-Guy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Nov 2011 1:42:09 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

I love your story, it's really awesome, (though my gurlfriend scarlett up there made me review so you could have more chapters) I read it and it rocks. You two are awesome comedians

Author's Response: Rofl, Scarlett, either way cuz of that review, mama is happy! >o<!

Reviewer: ScarlettMidnight1o Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Nov 2011 1:21:13 AM Title: interveiwing InuYasha! (against his will)

I LUV this soooo much. lol. You two are hilarious. *lol's on the floor* keeeeep it going!!

Author's Response:

*sniff* *sniff*

Tsubasa- omg! some one luvs me!

Iyamiko- wrong some one loves me!

tsu-uh.. nuh uh

iyam-yuh huh!

tsu- oh shush up achoholic! (btw because you made my day ima get cracking on one!)

iyam- Hey, I can't deny!

Sesshy- both of you are imbeciles.

iyam-says the dud who wears make-up



I have another fanfic goning on at you'll recognize it i'm sure

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