
Hey all;

Recently you may have noticed that a few of the mods have left and someone has been out there making up excuses about why she is no longer a mod and playing the victim; however the mods that have left, left of their own choice. I will not go into detail as to the reasons for why they left or anything that led up to it.

We are a fanfic site; not a drama site and high school drama has no place here. We all come here to share our writing skills with others and share our love for the fandom.  So if you feel it necessary to cause problems for others here for petty reasons then you do not need to be here.

If any of you have any concerns about this please feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Or you can contact the remaining admin; PitaBread, Dark_Author, Raven_Clover, DanaRose31382 or Taiyoukai_Nile.

Thanks Keva

--Keva on 18 Apr 2009 8:44:09 AM 5 Comments
Thank you for adding this. Dana is also an admin here too, but that is cool. BTW, looks like we are going to get a new things added to the site. I told RC to tell the mod group asap before we do it.
- Taiyoukai_Nile on 18 Apr 2009 5:20:43 PM
Her name isn't on the admin list and that's where I copied the names from. I thought she was one of them. My bad Dana... Sorry!
- Keva on 18 Apr 2009 6:02:59 PM
LOL That's okay Keva. I forgive you! :) Heehee.
- DanaRose31382 on 18 Apr 2009 7:31:10 PM


FYI, I added Dana to the list up there.  I know it wasn't necessary, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist that way, LOL.

- PitaBread on 19 Apr 2009 2:08:48 PM

Hope it doesn't come back. Saw the dirt throwing. I think it'll backfire knowing the other person's fandom history. Thanks for a great site. Joined the drabble stuff too.

- inukentaro on 20 Apr 2009 9:22:37 PM